
Showing posts from November, 2021

How To Change SSRS Certificate In D365FO On-Premises

1. Import the newly generated SSRS certificate in all of the AOS machines and all SSRS machines under Local machines Personal and Trusted Root location Certificates using mmc cert tool  2. Update the Friendly names of SSRS Cert and Thumbprint in CSV files (acl.csv and certificates.csv) in all of the AOS machines and all SSRS machines under Scripts folder 3. Update the newly generated SSRS certificate Thumbprint in the LCS Deployment Settings under SSRS section  4. Perform Update Settings action on the Sandbox / Prod environment from the LCS 

How to access Service Fabric Explorer Globally In On-Premise D365 Finance and Operations

1. Import Service Fabric Server Certificate in current user/local machine 2. Access the Service Explorer using the one of the SF / Orch Server VM name as follows 3. Access and it will pop-up the dialog to select the server certificate installed -> select the certificate to access the website as shown below